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What worked well for you in the workshop?
That so much freedom was accorded to us as choreographers. (Thanks, Marion! PeluXXX) The diversity of concepts, choreographic approach, and various skill sets were exciting, challenging and exhilarating. It was a really beautiful experience to see everyone so accepting of each other.
What did not work so well?
That individual choreography sessions operated in modules of 30 minutes, and that it took about a week before the subsequent round. I had so many things going on in my head but could only try out a small fraction of it. I struggled with a constant battle: whether to add stuff or refine stuff.
What do you want more of?
More time. To experiment, to play a little more. To fine-tune and hone certain aspects. More physical work-outs. More exercises to understand the real limits, or full extent of, human movement.
What do you want less of?
Nothing. I wish we could have had more of everything, really.
What did you learn?
That I can do 100 sit-ups, and that I must remain physically active if I am to keep up with this gang. That I pout and frown more than I should.
What did you like?
The joy of creating, rehearsing, and eventually performing. I really, really liked the diversity of concepts.
What did you not like?
The realisation that I have less control than I thought over my pouts and frowns ... and my blurring out. Scary.
Suggestions for next workshop and/or other workshops:
Can we just get everyone together and let's do stuff again? Soon? Please???
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