Sunday, June 18, 2006

synopses of the 11 non-choreography pieces

1. Will You Please Be Quiet, Please?

Most of the time people don't mean what they say, because most of the time their emotions dictate their choice of words and the way they speak. And emotion is something people can't control but only suppress.

James Lee

2. 24 minutes in Kuala Lumpur, 64 minutes in Jakarta

This piece uses humour to explore the themes of greed and consumption, as well as labour and inequality. The title refers to how many minutes an average worker in the two cities must work to afford a Big Mac, according to a worldwide survey on prices and earnings, conducted by a Swiss investment bank.

Gabrielle Low

3. Damaged
Adrian Kisai

4. In One Piece

No more heartbreaks! Let’s take a picture with a big smile!
Wyn Hee

5. Hallelujah

"You say I took the name in vain / I don't even know the name / But if I did, well really, what's it to ya? / There's a blaze of light in every word / It doesn't matter which you heard / The holy or the broken Hallelujah." - Leonard Cohen.

In our closets, we are desperate to celebrate the love we have. I want to celebrate the struggle, which also includes the struggle to justify, to make sense of our feelings.
Pang Khee Teik

6. The More We Get Together

What we see in public -

Kids purest hands holding and hugging,

Whereas lovers loving, hugs and kisses,

Labeled as immoral,

Purity. Appetency. Sensibility…

Who has the ability to draw the line of MORALITY?

Kiew Suet Kim

7. Don't wake me up, I'm sleeping

"Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me." - Pastor Martin Niemöller.
Hari Azizan

8. Unrequited

Like many non-Bumiputera Malaysians, I was struck by the phrase in Yasmin Ahmad's film Gubra, "It's like being in love with someone who won't love you back."
Even when someone or something gives you so many reasons to walk away, or leave, hope can be an amazing, awesome force.

Vernon Adrian Emuang

9. A sleepwalker in transit
Myra Mahyuddin

10. Cita-cita saya
June Tan

11. Buang Ruang Kurang Kurung atau Tiap tiap hari, Khabar Angin Lama, Surat Khabar Sama
Mark Teh


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